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Showing posts with label Baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby. Show all posts

Designer Strollers For The über Hip Baby: Starck, Kate Spade, Lulu Guiness, Shanghai Tang, Lacoste & Burberry for Maclaren

What do hip designers Philippe Starck, Kate Spade, Lulu Guiness, Burberry, Shanghai Tang and Lacoste all have in common? They all design strollers, buggies, and more products for baby in collaboration with Maclaren.

Maclaren has consistently created revolutionary technology for baby strollers, buggies and prams and despite the loss of their founder, Owen Maclaren, continue to do so. In addition to their own nicely designed products, they have several collaborations with the aforementioned designers.

Philippe Starck for Maclaren:

Kate Spade for Maclaren:

Lulu Guiness for Maclaren:

Burberry for Maclaren:

Lacoste for Maclaren:

Shanghai Tang for Maclaren:

Maclaren's own Leather Collection:

Maclaren's special edition real gold plated black leather stroller :

Above: The Special Edition Maclaren GB type Au gold buggy is sold in fine retailers around the world.Only 20 supple black leather buggies with contrasting gold-coloured stitching are available with luxurious features.

They also carry a line of "junior" sized baby equipment for children to play with:

About Maclaren:
It all began in 1965 when Owen Maclaren designed and patented his prototype Baby Buggy -- the B-01. The iconic blue and white stripes and aluminium frame imparts a vintage style that is popular and modern today. The revolutionary lightweight, 3D fold design continues to be an important and timeless prototype for the industry.

above: Founder Owen Maclaren

A former test pilot and aeronautical designer Owen Maclaren, created the iconic B01 buggy in the converted stables of his restored medieval farmhouse, Arnold House, in the village of Barby, Northamptonshire in England in 1967.

Based on Maclaren's knowledge as a retired aeronautical engineer and grandfather, the buggy had to be durable, safe, and lightweight. With a combination of modern materials like tubular aluminum, a durable structure that comfortably carries even a fairly large child, and 3D folding mechanism, the buggy weighed just 3kg/6lbs and fit into the same amount of space as an umbrella. The revolutionary design liberated parents from the bulky pram and quickly became an object of design and desire.

Above and below: So revolutionary was the design, that the buggy is included in Phaidon's Volume one of Design Classics:

Today’s Maclaren Buggys are descendants of the B-01 – from the lightweight frame, durable fabric, and one-hand fold -- to the above-industry standard safety features and innovative style.

Maclaren Baby
US locations:
Maclaren Showroom SoHo
150 Wooster
New York, NY10012-3112
P: 212-677-2700

Maclaren Showroom SoNo
10 Marshall Street
South Norwalk
Connecticut 06854

ODA & Argington Give Birth To New Children's Furniture

ODA (the Office of Design and Architecture) and Argington (a modern children's furniture manufacturer) have collaborated on some new children’s furniture- an easel and bassinet- which debuted at the New York Gift Fair earlier this month.

The collection utilizes natural earth friendly building materials in a simple clean and elegant form. Solid wood veneer in maple or walnut and stainless steel, these pieces are so pretty and clean and functional, I wish they made them in adult sizes!

Hagia Bassinet:

Dimensions: 33”L x 25”W x 55”H

Albert Art Easel

Dimensions: 30”L x 26”W x 45”H


I don't know the name or the dimensions of the above 'rocker'. Sorry.

Argington Furniture:
Phone: 800-482-0522
Eran Chen
Christian Bailey
Charles Brill
Learn more about ODA here
See Argington's other beautiful furniture here

Chew on this: 700k grill for Rapper Baby

TMZ was there as the Cash Money Millionaires' singer had his $250,000 platinum/white gold plated and diamond encrusted grill replaced with a new and improved one worth $500,000.

People joke that Julia Roberts has a million dollar smile but rapper Baby literally does - and he has the bling to prove it.

The diamonds were designed by jeweler to the stars Chris Aire. Aire is the first designer to provide ascher cut diamonds made especially for use as a dental accessory.

The four hour procedure, performed by Beverly Hills dentist Dr. Daniel Durchslag, may seem bizarre to some, but Baby says he's just looking to "take it to another level."

And to keep his smile sparkling, don't expect to see him using Colgate anytime soon. Dr. Durchslag has concocted a special toothpaste that won't dull or scratch Baby's newly drilled family jewels.

Baby's extreme makeover should come as no surprise since he and the Cash Money Millionaires are responsible for coining the now ubiquitous term "bling bling." Which makes perfect sense since Baby says bling is his "passion" in life.

Besides the costs associated with the oral surgery and the diamonds, Baby also has an insurance policy on his new evil grin estimated at around $700K.

With a price tag like that, Baby's tooth fairy better have the last name Trump.

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Company Pick Of The Week: Celery Furniture

The Concept
Through the process of sketching and modeling, we began to focus on a method for furniture assembly without hardware. The simplicity of the idea provided seemingly endless opportunities for creating a set of parts that makes a unique design statement when assembled. We strive to conceive pieces that have a timeless quality befitting a range of interior environments, from traditional to modern. The idea is old, but the look is new.

Above: Celery's Rocking Cradle

The Materials
It just made sense as both designers and parents to utilize an eco-friendly palette for our product.Bamboo plywood is beautiful and distinct; unlike hardwoods, it is made from 100 percent rapidly renewable resources. The selection of bamboo and non-formaldehyde MDF with low-VOC finishes affirms our commitment to strong and non-toxic materials.

Kid Tested
The challenge of designing children’s furniture is finding the balance between the appeal to an adult’s aesthetic and a child’s need for stimulating forms able to withstand the rigors of play. In addition to meeting industry standards for child safety, we sought the approval of our biggest critics: the kids. Several models of the rocking pony were developed before we found the right radius for the perfect ride. Our Lullaboo line is created to be used, loved, and passed on and on by offering durable and well crafted pieces that are enjoyed by kids and parents alike.

above: Celery's adult and child rocking chairs

Genuine Design
Celery furniture was conceived by Dan Harding, Eliza Eddy and Kristin Harding. Both Dan and Kristin have degrees in architecture and together co-founded Intrinsik Architecture. The firm’s emphasis on construction capitalizes on Kristin’s business project management experience and Dan’s talents of building, woodworking and steel fabrication. Bringing their collective experience to Celery, they strive to offer an environment that fosters progressive design derived from hands-on creativity. This husband and wife team finds daily inspiration as new parents of their daughter, Alexandra. Eliza received her degree in midwifery and is a licensed midwife. In addition to her background in women’s health, she also has experience working in the field of environmental health. After moving to Montana and having her first child, Claire, she teamed up with Dan and Kristin to launch Celery. Eliza brings to the company an expertise in the way manufactured products affect human and environmental health and a passion for innovative design.

Above: Celery's Changing table, available in multiple colors or all wood

Our Story- Locally Made
Celery’s pieces are not imported; our furniture proudly bears the mark “Bozeman, Montana” where the talents of local craftspeople and designers have been harnessed throughout the design process. It has taken several months of “back to the drawing board” in the studio, prototype manufacturing, painting, testing, photography and graphic design to produce Celery’s Lullaboo line, and we take pride in achieving this right here in our community.

Aptly Named
Stalks of celery are as plentiful and renewable as stalks of bamboo. Plus, the soft color of green reflects our commitment to the planet. While the idea works poetically, the reality is that most of the celery we see in our lives these days is smeared with peanut butter.

This fabulous bamboo rocking horse by Celery fits grown-ups! They make them for little kids too (of course) and call those Rocking Ponies. How cute is that?

Above: The Rocking Horse and Rocking Pony

They say they will be coming out with more adult furniture as well. I can't wait
Innovative. Simple. Modern. Welcome to Celery.

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