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UPDATED 2012. Whatever Happened To "Wash Me"? Scott Wade's Dirty Car Art.

Most of us have fought the urge to trace 'wash me' on the filthy car window of some random automobile with our finger. Some of us have even given in. But it takes a little more willpower for Scott Wade.

You see, Scott Wade doesn't just want to write on a dust-laden window, he wants to paint. And paint he does.

In his recreations of famous paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Vermeer, Boticelli, Gauguin, Van Gogh - even the classic kitschy Dogs Playing Poker, Scott turns the removal of dirt into an impressive medium. Take a look at these:

Other images include portraits of famous people, friends and landscapes:

You can read more and see more about Scott Wade and His Dirty Car art right here.

Put That Down! That's My Grandma.

Proof that even great design lives for the deceased.

Put that down, That's my grandma!

We will all die someday, that's just reality.

But you do not have to be kept on a mantel in some imposing marble mausoleum or cloisonné ginger jar!

Here are some super stylish options to leave this world as tastefully as you lived in it.

Obscenely Decadent Valentine's Gifts

Most of us don't have $10,000. to spend on a Valentine's gift, let alone $2,000,000.
But for those lucky few who do, here are a few thoughts.

Below are some options from a 1.7 million dollar space ship ride to a diamond-encrusted Mercedes 600SL (That's right...if you have to ask, you can't afford it). A photo engraved on 6.8 grams of pure platinum. And a custom home theater.

Perhaps you'd prefer your own private island for the two of you?

Maybe a 1.5 million dollar underwater venture?

Okay, so this list is completely useless for the average joe, but we can dream, can't we?
10 Obscenely Decadent Valentine's Gifts

If any of you want to know more about these items, simply click on the pic and through the magic of the internet, you'll be there!

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C'mon people, it's only a dollar.