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Put That Down! That's My Grandma.

Proof that even great design lives for the deceased.

Put that down, That's my grandma!

We will all die someday, that's just reality.

But you do not have to be kept on a mantel in some imposing marble mausoleum or cloisonné ginger jar!

Here are some super stylish options to leave this world as tastefully as you lived in it.

Obscenely Decadent Valentine's Gifts

Most of us don't have $10,000. to spend on a Valentine's gift, let alone $2,000,000.
But for those lucky few who do, here are a few thoughts.

Below are some options from a 1.7 million dollar space ship ride to a diamond-encrusted Mercedes 600SL (That's right...if you have to ask, you can't afford it). A photo engraved on 6.8 grams of pure platinum. And a custom home theater.

Perhaps you'd prefer your own private island for the two of you?

Maybe a 1.5 million dollar underwater venture?

Okay, so this list is completely useless for the average joe, but we can dream, can't we?
10 Obscenely Decadent Valentine's Gifts

If any of you want to know more about these items, simply click on the pic and through the magic of the internet, you'll be there!

The 54 million dollar "Oopsy"

What began as a 40 million dollar "Uh-oh" is now a 54 million dollar "Oopsy."

You may recall this little story from October of last year.
It was published on Kovel's Comments Newletter as follows:

He may have built a few Las Vegas casinos, but Steve Wynn, in spite of his money and amazing art collection, is just like the rest of us.

Accidents happen.

He had just sold his Picasso painting to another collector for $139 million when he raised his arm to point out a feature of the painting of Picasso's mistress, Marie-Therese Walter, to friends.

Somehow his elbow shoved back into Marie-Therese's arm, making a 2-inch hole with two 3-inch rips radiating from the center.

“Oh s---,” he said, according to a friend who was there. “Look what I’ve done. Thank God it was me.”Every collector has had that feeling. No way to undo an accident. He later offered to cancel the sale, and decided to repair the painting and keep it.

Now, here's the latest from the Kovel's:

How much is a hole in a painting worth?

Steve Wynn accidentally raised his elbow and made a hole in the $139 million Picasso he had just sold. He cancelled the sale and had the painting repaired for $90,000.

Now he is fighting with Lloyd’s of London over the lost value of the painting.He claims the painting is only worth $85 million now, a loss of $54 million.

Lloyd’s has offered to pay the $90,000 repair cost and the $21,000 consultant’s fee for the restoration and increased security needed while the painting was being repaired. Wynn filed a lawsuit against Lloyd’s on January 11, 2007 and a day later, they started negotiating.

Does a repaired hole seen only under black light reduce the value of the painting by about 40%?
Time will tell.

--from Kovel's Comments

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

In an effort to showcase what is beautifully designed, conceptually relevant,
art to some and objects to others, I wanted to bring these aquatic worlds to your attention.

They say that fish have a 'calming' effect on people.
That's why you so often see aquariums in Doctors' offices and Veterinarian's waiting rooms.
Why they are in Chinese restaurants, I'm not sure.

Either way, these fish are living the dream baby...

List: Aquariums that rock.

Who knew betta fish had it so good?

See more of my Aquariums that rock. list at ThisNext.

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