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Cute Characters Die An Ugly Death In The Compelling Crochet Sculptures of Patricia Waller.

We often think of knit or crocheted objects made with yarn, cotton and wool as cozy, comforting, even grandma-esque. But the works of artist Patricia Waller will most certainly shift that paradigm.

And You Thought The Clapper Was Cool. The BANG! Lamp by Bitplay.

Ready. Aim. Lights out.

BANG! is a desk lamp with a gun-shaped remote controller. User can fire the “gun” to turn the light off. The light goes out and the lampshade knocks to the side, showing that it’s been hit. To turn it back on, simply shoot it again, and the lampshade will raise up slowly and turn the light back on at the same time.



Buy it here

Designed by Bitplay

Energy Efficient Natural Vaporizing Tabletop Humidifiers In Three Fun Designs.

DIY Natural Formula Vaporizing Humidifiers in three fun colors and designs. Green Forest with elk and bunnies, Blue Arctic with penguins and Pink Outback with elephant and giraffe.

Just pop out the pre-cut shapes, slide them into the slots on the base and fill it with water and voila! An energy efficient tabletop humidifier.

The unique humidifiers combine super quiet passive action with a Do-it-Yourself edge to make them both cool and functional (not to mention energy-efficient).

Made especially for Gizmine. $49.99 each. Buy them here

New York People, Places and Things Made With Cut Up Metro Cards by Nina Boesch.

As the name suggests, these "Metro Card Collages" are made from cut up pieces of used and expired MetroCards® (MTA cards or New York City subway tickets).

above: A New York Metro Card in use

Artist Nina Boesch uses the front of MetroCards® for color collages (yellow, orange, blue and black), and the back for grayscale collages (black and white). All artworks are one-of-a-kind and vary in size ranging from 5"x7" to 40"x30".

The collages depict anything from landmarks and objects to portraits and typography, and are almost always New York related.

While Nina tries to offer originals for sale on her website, Nina creates a lot of commissioned pieces and has little time to work on her own portfolio of collages. So if you are interested in a collage, please don't hesitate to contact Nina and ask her to create one for you!

About The Artist
Nina Boesch is a New York based interaction designer and artist from Germany. She graduated with honors from Rhode Island School of Design and is now a senior interaction designer at Ralph Appelbaum Associates, an exhibit design firm located in the financial district of Manhattan. Nina's work has been honored by the Art Directors Club, the Type Directors Club, Adobe, AIGA and others and has been featured in various publications such as the NY Times and HOW Magazine.

Nina has been creating collages from MetroCards® for over 10 years. Initially just for friends and family, and recently for a broader audience with exhibits in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Laguna Beach, California. While Nina sells her collages in New York only, some of her pieces have found new homes as far away as Scotland, France and Australia.

Nina Boesch

all images and info courtesy of Nina Boesch.

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