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Please Don't Wear The Utility Belt. Dark Knight Replica Leather & Kevlar Motorcycle Suit.

Oh yes they did.

UD Replicas has created a replica of the Dark Knight's suit which features Kevlar inserts and adjustable sections making it a true motorcycle suit. Make no mistake, this is not a costume.

An Online Collaborative Art Project From Google and Tate Modern: This Exquisite Forest.

This Exquisite Forest by Chris Milk and Aaron Koblin is an online collaborative art experiment presented by Google and Tate Modern. The project lets users create short animations that build off one another as they explore a specific theme.

Taking a series of short animation sequences created by artists represented in Tate’s collection as the starting point, users of the website and visitors to the installation are invited to draw and animate new sequences and thus continue the ‘seeds’ begun by the artists.

As more sequences are added, the videos dynamically branch out and evolve, forming multiple new visual narratives.

The Making Of:

It can be accessed via the website and through a physical installation at Tate Modern from July 23, 2012.

Planet Of The Apes Portraits Created With 57,000 Stainless Steel Ball Bearings.

Artist Joe Black doesn't monkey around when it comes to interesting mosaics. Known for his assemblages crafted from vintage badges, Lego bricks and plastic toy soldiers, he's used ball bearings to recreate two portraits of Cornelius and one of Zira, the monkeys played by Roddy McDowell and Kim Hunter, respectively from Escape From Planet Of The Apes the third movie in the original movie franchise.

Mr. Black used 57,000 stainless steel ball bearings on black rubber mounted on aluminum to create his series of three portraits title "We Never Left":

Joe Black

Minimalist, Modern Re-Imagined Movie Posters By JoE Chiang of Monster Gallery

Aside from having great taste in movies, Singapore-based artist Joseph Chiang (aka JoE) is a self-professed one-man sweatshop called MonsterGallery.

above: the Dark Knight Rises is his most recent re-imagined movie poster

Creating retro-pop-culture-inspired art and prints, he has a series of re-imagined movie posters for films directed many of my personal favorites: Alfred Hitchcock, Wes Anderson, Sam Mendes, Quentin Tarantino, Michel Gondry, Mike Nichols and other greats.

Wes Anderson Movie Posters Made Minimal:

Hitchcock Classics Re-imagined:

Quentin Tarantino Re-imagined Movie Posters:

Michel Gondry Re-imagined Movie Posters:

Quirky and Wonderful Movies Whose Posters Have Been Re-imagined:

Minimalist Movie Posters of Classic Greats (if you haven't seen all of these, start streaming!)

"Reimagining these posters are my way of paying tribute to the movies which I love. It's also a way to let you hang them on your wall so your friends know how cool you are to like these movies. " – Joseph Chiang, Founder, Monster Gallery

A self-trained artist, painter, photographer and obviously print-maker, his goal is to bring joy to the masses through his art. He updates his works frequently on his Facebook Page.

The Monster Blog

Joseph Chiang's gouache paintings of monsters on wood

Shop for all of these posters (the prices are incredibly reasonable) and many other wonderful pieces by JoE at his Etsy store

Through Wednesday only some of these prints can be purchased at a discount price on Fab. Use this link if you are not a member:

Please donate

C'mon people, it's only a dollar.