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Science & Sons Cool Bonsai Park Planters

Drawing inspiration from the bonsai, these ceramic park planters by Science & Sons were created to elevate the common household plant to the status of full grown tree. The potted plant becomes the backdrop for an urban park scene. Ranging from dog walkers to flashers and muggers, no two scenes are alike ensuring the autonomy of each piece. $150 each.

Product Pick Of The Week: The DaysAgo Counter

Wondering when the last time you watered the plants or fed the fish?
Was that yesterday?
Or the day before?
How about those eggs?
.....and that turkey sandwich...did you put it there last week or the week before?

This handy device is a digital day counter that stays on by suction or magnet. Now you'll know how fresh that food is, when you need to water those plants or change that air filter. And it's very convenient when it comes to reminding one to take their meds.

The timer attaches with a magnetic or suction backing and counts up to 99 days. It’s easy to use: Remove the clear plastic tab on the side of the timer to engage the battery inside the unit. Press and hold the button for five seconds to begin counting elapsed days. DaysAgo will always be “on” and a flashing light on the LCD screen will indicate that it is running. Cleans with a damp cloth; do not submerge in water or place in dishwasher. Comes with a battery, which is replaceable. Magnetic and Suction are sold separately; two pieces to a package. Assorted colors. Magnetic or Suction.

Can't believe it took this long to come up with something like this!

Read more or buy it here.

Artists Take The Plunge: Part III- More Pool Paintings

....continued from yesterday's post Artist's Take The Plunge Part II, which featured paintings of people swimming, in and around pools.

Now take a look at some of paintings of children in pools:

A few of Michael Blessing's paintings:

and Wendy Willis' work:

Pipa Lehar's "Poolside":

and Fiona Jack's "Learning To Swim":

Clearly, another popular subject are people hanging poolside, as witnessed by these numerous appealing renderings:

Above: DJ Hall's "Above It All"

Above: Terry Rodger's "Burfield's"

Above: Bea Kuhlke's "The Pool"

Above: Scott Bricher's "St.John Pool"

Above: Laura Loe's "At The Pool"

Above: Kay Crain's "Ladies by The Pool"

Above: Robert Floyd's "Poolside"

And At Night:

Above: Patricia Chidlaw's Girl In Pool

Above: Linda Christensen's Reflection

Not to be missed, are these fabulous, further abstracted depictions of people in pools:

By Isca Greenfield Sanders:

Lisa Wright:


Above: Moto Kotsuki's serene "poolside"

I could go on and on.

I have undoubtedly left out hundreds of talented artists who paint pools and people in them. So, forgive me. I just hope you can appreciate the small sampling of talent I found and find their work as inspiring and captivating as I do.

Be sure to read Part I (great paintings of pools without people) and Part II (paintings of people swimming).

Artists Take The Plunge: Part II, People Swimming

Last week I posted "Artists Take The Plunge: Swimming Pools" and introduced you to paintings of swimming pools; empty, full, still, even at night.

As promised, this week is part II (well, it's so long, I'm actually only showing half the post today, so be sure to visit again tomorrow so you don't miss out on the second half, Part III.) of "Artists Take The Plunge: People swimming in and lounging around Pools."

There are so many wonderful artists who paint swimmers as their subjects, but in this particular post, it's limited to people in swimming you won't see beach scenes here, but you will get your fill of wonderful underwater and above water work.

I'm going to start with some contemporary photo-realistic works by some artists who have captured the essence of light, buoyancy and reflection beautifully.

Lorraine Shemesh and her amazingly lifelike swimming paintings:

Suzanne Vincent's equally talented works:

Or RJ Clark:

and Ernest Ward:

Alan Brown:

Luigi Boriotti:

And the inspiring works of Eric Zener:

And now to share with you some looser interpretations and slightly impressionistic work, I'd like to introduce you to some of David Shevlino's fabulous paintings:

And Stanley Goldstein's wonderful work:

Robin Cheers' Joie de Vivre:

Mark Pearson's Lucy Swimming:

Don't forget to come back tomorrow to see the second half of this post and see various paintings of children in pool, people lounging around poolside, abstracted pools and more!

Part I can be seen here: "Artists Take The Plunge: Swimming Pools"
Part III can be seen here: Artists Take The Plunge: Part III

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