Above: Dru Barkymore and Pugnelope Cruz
Is your loving companion a good dog?
Why not reward him or her with a mouthful of Rosie O' Doggell or Brad Pittbull?
You'll not only make your dog happy, but other dogs as well. What am I talking about? Read on.
Doggin' Celebrities with Haute Diggity Dog
The other day I was surfing the net for some toys to put in my jewish dog's Chanukah stocking. (Okay, if that sentence doesn't make me sound like a crazy woman, I don't know what does.)Nevertheless it was during this odd exercise that I came across some newly released limited edition plush dog toys on Muttropolis.com that actually made me laugh aloud. Enough to startle my dog for whom I was shopping (Indie, my 1 year old jack russell terrier) who was sleeping at my feet as I surfed the net (see below).
Puparazzi Pups are the brainchild of Pamela Reeder and Victoria Dauernheim, the ladies behind Haute Diggity Dog. And, to make it even easier to purchase these, Haute Diggity Dog announced that they will be donating a portion of profits from these Limited Edition Toys to nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping dogs rescued from HIGH KILL SHELTERS across the country under their new program HELP A DOG PLAY ANOTHER DAY!

Above: Bruce Woofless, Clint Barkwood, Angelina Grrrowlie and Doggy Depp
Upon seeing these hilarious canine versions of hip hollywood, I promptly wrote to Pamela and Victoria wanting to know more about them and where the profits would be going.

Above: Pomeranian Anderson, Biteme Spears, Bone Rivers and Brad Pittbull
How many did they make?
Where can I buy them?
Did they need to have the celebrity's permission?
Who designed them?

Above: Bark Nicholsen, Pup Doggy, Rosie O'Doggell and Sarah Jessica Barker
In a matter of minutes I received a friendly and informative reply from Pamela Reeder who was happy to tell me about this fun and benevolent project.
Coincedentally, my question about the 'permission' to create these was a timely one. Just last week Haute Diggity Dog won their second lawsuit brought against them by Louis Vuitton- LVMH (who clearly lack a sense of humor). Their toys were judged as parodies of famous objects. You can read details about the suit here.
Pamela, who designed these herself, went on to explain about the project:
"...We will be listing monthly how much money we raised that month and WHO it went to with a link for the group.Our November sales will be going to The Baja Animal Sanctuary and we will be presenting them with a check on December 6th as well as 165 rubber dog toys for the dogs for Christmas. The sanctuary is in the desert and is semi-outside with dirt floors so sending our toys would be inappropriate, so I bought rubber sturdy ones. Most of these dogs have never even had a toy in their lives. Which is the whole basis of this fund raiser...our toy sales helping other needy dogs live to play another day.
We are donating fifty cents for every toy sold at wholesale....so far this month we have sold approx 7,450 pc..so that's $3,225 already with 2 more weeks to go! Once the toys sell out that will be it for this collection and my guess is that we will be sold out by January at this rate since it is Christmas but we plan to do another collection the same way (something different) late Spring again (-: We are hoping to raise $30,000 or more from this one collection!"
You can tell from her enthusiasm and language in the above excerpt from her e-mail to me how much she and her partner really care about the welfare of dogs.

Below is some background on the fun and fashionable duo behind the luxe parody dog toys.

HAUTE DIGGITY DOG is the brain puppy of Pamela Reeder and together with partner Victoria Dauernheim, Haute Diggity Dog has quickly grown from a fun idea to a successful line of popular parody dog toys, unique collars, carry bags, and must have dog accessories. Additionally, the company's products have been featured on the Today Show, Good Morning America,and CBS Early Show,Haute Diggity Dog has an extensive celebrity following and has been a featured item in gift bags to nominees and presenters at the Oscars and Emmy Awards.
PAMELA REEDER is no stranger to growing a business. She learned the ropes while owning a successful bath and body retail store. She also owned and operated a freelance floral design business, some of her clients included Spago, New Line Cinema, Disney, Glamour Magazine, Martha Stewart and president Bill Clinton. Pamela's skills were also utilized as a product manager/buyer for a major Las Vegas casino resort company. It was her great love of dogs though, that led her down the path to Haute Diggity Dog.
Pamela lives with her two beloved dogs Biscuit and Rusty. All three are redheads :)
VICTORIA DAUERNHEIM was one of the pioneers at FedEx and assisted the start-up company through its development years into becoming a billion dollar giant we know today. Working for FedEx and coming from a military family enabled this "Southern Belle" to travel the world. Victoria is a little bit of Champagne, a little bit of moonshine, and a whole lot of fun. She and Pam met while working for a Las Vegas casino resort chain. Victoria has a feisty Pomeranium named Fluffy.
Pam and Victoria's love of animals has been the driving force that propelled Haute Diggity Dog from dream to reality. Both are involved in charitable foundations and are big advocates and supporters of dog rescue programs.
You can contact Pam and Victoria at info@hautediggitydog.com
Some online retailers who carry Haute Diggity Dog products: