The San Francisco BatKid Story Should Move Your Money As Well as Your Heart.

If you haven't yet heard the amazing story of the city of San Francisco pulling together to make the dream of 5 year old cancer-stricken Miles Scott come true, you simply must read about it here.  The Make-A-Wish Foundation transformed the "City By The Bay" into Gotham City, providing the 5 year old leukemia patient with a Batmobile, a nemesis and a damsel in distress. In addition to a specially printed newspaper front page and the cheering support of hundreds of locals, he even received a key to the city.

If the #SFBatKid story is warming your heart (and if it's not, there's something wrong with you), here's your chance to do something about it. Donate to Make-A-Wish Foundation here so you can help make someone else's dream come true.

You can view live updates here and follow him on twitter at @SFBatKid