Most every social bungle, depressing news item or fallen hero usually inspires some clever soul to create something humorous for the masses. To help stomach watching the Lance Armstrong Oprah two part interviews, there's a bunch of fun interactive games - and some products - circulating around the web.
Parody Silicone Bracelets:

above: you can buy the 'cheat to win' bracelet here at The Onion and/or the LiveWRONG bracelets here
BingoSTRONG and Armstrong Bingo, both play at home bingo games (you print out the hi-res boards I've included here), a doping game for those who keep steroids in their cupboards and of course, a drinking game. All mocking the once admired cycling legend Lance Armstrong while watching his interview with Oprah*.

click on the above image to download it at high-res
The game above now has rules, shown here:

Not the only Armstrong Bingo game out there. The Telegraph is offering this game board for you to play as well:

Join in the fun with the Lance Armstrong-Oprah Interview Doping Game:

And yes, of course, there's a drinking game, too.

*Oprah Winfrey's hotly anticipated, two-part interview with Lance Armstrong will air Thursday and Friday nights at 9 p.m. EST/PST on OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network. For those without a cable subscription, "Oprah and Lance Armstrong: The Worldwide Exclusive" will also be streamed live at Oprah.com.