2012 Reviewed in An Animated Infographic by Yiying Lu for Visual.ly

Artist Yiying Lu created this fun animated infographic for the San Francisco based data visualization company Visual.ly

Included after the infographic are some of her good 'old school' hand drawn ink sketches for the project.

Yiying Lu

10 Great Cover Versions of New Year's 'Auld Lang Syne.'

To ring in the New Year, I bring you this unusual selection of cover versions of the New Years' Eve song to which that no one really knows the words. (thank you Mashable)

1. Beer Bottles

2. Drum

3. Ukulele

4. Punk Rock

5. Metal

6. Guitar

7. Piano

8. Saxophone

9. Bass

10. Julie Andrews


Happy New Year!

Pantone Chopstix and Hangers? The Mood Food Collection and More New Products by Room Copenhagen for Pantone Universe.

As the Pantone Universe product lines continue to grow, more options for color lovers permeate the marketplace. In partnership with Pantone, Room Copenhagen has developed a new collection of colorful products under the Pantone Universe name that include items for food prep, food service and home organization.

Keeping in line with the Pantone color scheme, the design and product development are nurtured in close collaboration involving the ROOM COPENHAGEN design team, Pantone and the world-renowned Knud Holscher Design studio.

'Good Mood Food' is the name of their line of new products suited for serving everything from breakfast to sushi and more with various sized food trays, dipping bowls, and even chopstix!

Other Pantone Universe food prep and tableware from Room Copenhagen includes three sizes of bowls, two kinds of cups, a butter board, cutting boards, a serving tray and serving utensils.


Pantone Bowls:

Pantone Cups:

Pantone Egg Cups:

Stackable trays for food or household items can be purchased as a set of 11 or individually:

Pantone Chopstix:

Pantone Placemats:

Pantone Serving Utensils:

Pantone Butter Board:

Pantone Cutting Boards:

Also available in the Pantone Universe collection from Room Copenhagen are the following organizational products.

Pantone Key and Mobile phone trays:

Pantone Credit Card Holders:

Pantone Hangers:

Buy Pantone Products By Room Copenhagen here

Drink Up and Start Designing. It's The DWR Champagne Chair Contest.

Once again, Design Within Reach has brought back their Champagne Chair contest. All you have to do is create an original miniature chair using only the foil, label, cage and cork from no more than two champagne bottles.

Info from their site:

A panel of DWR champagne and chair experts will judge the chairs, and three winners will receive a DWR Gift Card. The deadline for submissions is January 14.

To get inspired, here's a few of the past submissions from previous years.

Anna Uniezyski:

Alex Garzon:

Brandy Shih:

Emily Kann:

Erin Mitchen:

David Ethan Sanders:

Edward Cristma:

Gavri Slasky:

Isaac Krady:

Ivan Supraha:

Kalina Toffolo:

Lynne Mulvihill:

Monte Allen:

Phil Dwyer:

Tim Jacobsen:

Tony Nemyer:

Tracee Pickett:

You can see more finalists from their 2007 contest I covered here.

The contest began December 28th and you have until January 14th, so get on it! After you've designed your chair, feel free to share it on Instagram and Twitter with #dwrchampagnechair

images and info courtesy of DWR