Subwing is a new water sport product invented in the summer of 2010 by Simon Sivertsen. It allows you to fly through the water, much like a dolphin. The Carbon Fiber 'wings' allow you to glide, turn and twist as much as you'd like at the water's surface or ocean's bottom, while being pulled by a boat.

Simon and his team have worked to perfect the Subwing’s performance, feeling, and design - and with multiple patents pending, have finally launched the product.
The Inspiration:
It all started when Simon went on a trip in the Mediterranean sea with his family’s sailboat. Some driftwood came floating by and gave Simon an idea. With a pen and paper, he started to flirt with the idea of attaching rope to the driftwood, imagining that being pulled through the water from behind the boat might be fun.

The next time they went ashore, Simon searched for some appropriate driftwood and collected the best pieces. Once home, he tried the new invention. The idea was OK, but something was missing.
He began to think about how it could be done better. At a shopping center in Italy, he bought two cutting boards, a garden hose and a couple of Gardena-links. This inspired the idea of hanging two wings together, which gave completely different control.

To develop the underwater wing he called 'Subwing', he took time off from the university for one year. At home in Kristiansand, he tested the product in the winter ice-cold seawater.
For awhile he had to tape his wet-suit hood with duct tape so that he could test the new prototypes. He got right down to designing and drawing a new shape for the wings, and started looking for more appropriate materials. After a year of working with design and finding the right materials, the wings have been perfected.

Simon is now ready to share his invention with the world. And hopes people will have as much fun and enjoyment as he and his friends get from it.

The Subwing gives you the opportunity to explore the sea in a way as never before, choosing your own pace and gliding directly above the ocean sand floor. You can do thrilling twists and turns, or simply cruise along the surface.
The movement of the SUBWING can be easily controlled by tilting the wings in different directions. You can easily achieve dives (up and down), sideways movement or spins.

The Subwing is attached to a boat with a recommended rope length of about 15 meters. The speed of the boat should be about 2 knots. If you use a longer rope, it's easier to achieve deeper dives.
The only additional equipment needed is a diving mask. If desired, snorkel and fins can be used, but this is not necessary.
If you want to equalize the pressure in your ears, the rear triangle rubber grip is designed for controlling the SUBWING by one hand. Note that reasonable amount experience with the SUBWING is needed before attempting to use the triangle grip.

Subwing is produced with high quality materials to achieve the right stiffness in combination with a lightweight and durable structure. It is constructed of carbon fiber, using advanced and innovative production methods.
SUBWING is designed for underwater sports activity and is patent-pending.

• The Center swivel is made of a combination of rubber and stainless steel.
• The ropes that is attached to Subwing is made of Dyneema fibers, considered the world’s strongest fiber used in ropes.
• The ropes are permanently glued into the stainless steel fastenings in the wings with waterproof epoxy.

above: Graphics on the Subwing are as shown in the above picture.
Subwing consists of the following parts:
- Two carbon fiber wings with rubber pads for perfect grip.
- One detachable center swivel.
- One attached rear rubber triangle.
- Ropes attached to the wings. (You still need a rope to the boat)
NEVER use any type of compressed air when diving with SUBWING.
Always read the manual before use.
The wings are handmade and there may be slight cosmetic differences for each wing.
$795.00: Carbon Glossy
$795.00: Carbon Matt
$40.00: Subwing Rope
$20.00: Subwing USB

Subwing AS
Holskogveien 48
4624 Kristiansand