Take a love of animals, a clever sense of humor, a predilection toward puns and a shepard fairey art style and what have you got?

Obey The Pure Breed, is the brainchild of Kevin McCormick, a humorous take off on Shepard Fairey's propoganda posters, only with cats and dogs. They sell beautifully designed posters for just about every dog breed imaginable, some of the most popular kitties and have t-shirts, mugs, notebooks and more.

Here are some of the breeds available:

Here are some of the posters in full:

All of the designs are available on mugs, t-shirts, hoodies, notebooks, ceramic tiles and more through their cafepress stores for each of the breeds.
In addition to the large selection of posters, they sell a series of limited edition prints, two examples below:

And some even done in the style of Woodstock psychedelic rock posters!
Below are two Pugstock examples:

ABOUT KEVIN MCCORMICKTons of downloadable wallpaper options for your computer can be found here.
Inspired by a militant Weimaraner named "Cody," Kevin McCormick started combining propaganda art with heroic portraits of dogs. The designs which make tongue in cheek social and political commentary, represent the passion and loyalty that many dog "owners" have for their breeds.
The artist has (or serves, as he puts it) 2 Vizslas and a 1 year old baby.
A Rutgers College grad Kevin is now a web designer and computer illustrator.
They also design and stock political propaganda posters, and many more.Check them all out.

Visit the site here.

And, by the way, And if you're not a 'pet parent', but an actual human parent, they have Obey The Baby stuff and other funny versions of popular culture.